2012年5月27日 星期日

Good Morning!

豬仔包 with poached egg, smoked salmon in honey mustard dressing. 
Mango, avocado, rocket and parma ham salad. 
Freshly squeezed orange juice.

飽到lunch 也吃不下!

2012年5月24日 星期四

2012年5月10日 星期四

DIY 菊花鏡

Some just have an artistic eye for design! I have subscribed to several websites on interior designs and DIY projects and am constantly amazed by how people can turn dull, uninviting furniture or spaces or even garbage into a wow factor.  Most of the time, merely reading the posts and marvelling at the end products are blissful enough, but this one project from addicted2decorating.com is seriously tempting!!! 

How to Make A Decorative Chrysanthemum Mirror
out of plastic spoons!
April 11, 2012 By Kristi Linauer 122 Comments
Chrysanthemums are some of my favorite flowers. I especially like the varieties with the petals that fade from dark, saturated color in the center of the flower, to a lighter color near the outer edge of the flower. So yesterday, I decided to try to replicate this look on a decorative mirror using plastic spoons.

2012年5月1日 星期二


夏天已經來臨了. 但一直懶著. 聖誕過後, 只收起了聖誕樹, 雪人等裝飾. 到新年時換上幾片揮春和剪紙. 新年過後, 又只收起了新年的裝飾. Sideboard 上的佈置還是又紅又金, 亂七雜八的.
昨晚 '的起心肝' 換季. 今次換成米, 白系列.