2010年4月29日 星期四

How Starbucks Saved My Life by Michael Gates Gill

As a coffee lover, I had no hesitation in buying this book.
I finished it briskly, ironically not because it struck me, but for my TV had a breakdown.  Described as 'a candid, moving and inspirational memoir about a high-flying businessman who is forced to re-evaluate his life and values when he suddenly loses everything and goes to work in Starbucks.'  It may be a candid memoir, but the inspiration aspect does not live up to my expectation.

2010年4月28日 星期三

No Time for Goodbye by Linwood Barclay

Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down, even at the night before my exam.
I was the only person reading a non-text book at the exam centre!
The story plot at the very beginning is simple but shocking, and it bewitched me from the very first page!

Have you ever done something bad and ended in a fight with your parents,eg, returning home late on X'mas eve and your mum was mad at you?  Just imagine, you wake up after the storm, and find everyone in the house missing!  Everyone!  Not a note!  You can't find your brother in the school either!  And you are the only one left!

I was suctioned into chapter after chapter, trying to figure out what happened.  Was it because they were so mad and  left her for a while as punishment?  Was it a murder?  But why the murderer spared the girl?  The narrative by the spared girl's husband was intertwined with dialogues of unknown people.  Were they dialogues of the spared girl with her dead parents? Was it a ghost story? Or was the girl illusional and talking to imagined characters?

Read it yourself.  I recommended this book to a colleague and she finished it in one day!!!

2010年4月24日 星期六


其實連樓都未收, 都唔知幾時先有得搬. 但每逢見到大減價, 都忍唔住, 要大出血一番.

最近兩個星期就先後買了 7 套beddings, 兩張被, 兩個枕頭(之前買床褥已經送咗四個).

我已經無晒買bedding  的 quota 了! 仲有第一次買厚身牀褥無經驗, 見到Casa Calvin 2仟幾蚊減到699, 就買咗兩set, 點知番到屋企先醒起張牀褥一呎厚, 但個床笠得9吋厚!

以下係今日的收獲, 拎到抽筋.

永安買的throw, 意大利製的. 另外仲有一張德國製的白色暗花. 不過無影相.

呢套西班牙的, 買離買去都係暗花:

前兩日見到有人係網上鬧, 話比Rapee 呃咗, 話用169買咗一個king quilt cover, 但品質不好, 好似話濕的時候顏色深淺不一, 但乾了就無事. Rapee 啲嘢平時咁貴, 見有啲咁平的嘢, 今日飲完茶順便去曼克頓山間分店睇吓, 一毫子都無減! 但下午再去荃灣嗰間, 真係做緊 'Bargain Sale' 喎.

其實我每個weekend 飲完茶都會去睇一睇Rapee,呢個裝antipasti 的盤, , 每次我都好想買, 好彩無買咋.而家半價呀!


Millefiori 係意大利brand, 呢個香薰座好靚:

呢啲就係$119同$169的床單/床笠同被袋(咩size 都係呢個價錢!)

呢set 貴好多, 要960, king size (因為床笠無晒king, 要加$60買super king)

Faux Crocodile cushions, 暗花bolster


2010年4月21日 星期三

家居佈置 - 曼谷家品之旅

復活節去咗一轉曼谷, 原本諗住家品大搜購, 點知市中心幾個大商場都無開, 只係買得好少量.

係JJ Market 見到啲好靚的cushion, 連傢俬都未買, 就買3個先, 都唔知第時襯唔襯:

之前係Ovo Home 同中環有間shop , 仲有翠峰的示範單位都見到的貝殼/玉珮+tassels, 細個的賣$900幾, 一仟蚊一個, 大的賣二仟幾蚊一個.  見咁貴, 於是我四出搜索, 例如去深水埗, 上淘寶, 都揾唔到成品或者原材料.  但今次居然比我係JJ market  同 JJ Plaza 見到, 即刻入番幾個.

由於無得去Siam Paragon, Central World , 唯有行吓街鋪, 誤打誤撞比我撞到間Jaspal Home. Jaspal 買衫就買得多, 估唔到間Jaspal Home 都咁得, 仲好貴添!  但都買咗兩個黑色cushion  套, 同埋兩片蠟燭.  注意, 係兩片.  表面啲紋仲整到好似皮咁!


2010年4月20日 星期二

家居佈置 - 梳化的抉擇


天生體温比人高, 老公同我坐落同一張梳化, 佢就無事, 我就比啲嘢咬到紅晒.


而家張皮梳化雖然入面無'au'嘢, 但啲seat 位不能拿開清潔, 所以我一坐近啲隙位, 就會有嘢咬.  而家唯有忍住先.

經過呢啲經歷, 再加上預計日後會養狗(雖然我唔諗住比佢坐我張梳化), 所以要諗一個週全的方法避免有嘢咬.  問完好多人意見後, 覺得有一個idea 幾好, 就係用布梳化.但係一定要用可以成個seat 位拎出來的. 

有網友話, 佢張布梳化除了本身的布套外, 仲再係上面蓋咗一個類似床笠的物體, 兩個星期洗一次個類似床笠的物體, 間唔中成個seat 位拎去晒太陽焗死入面啲塵蟎同蝨. 養咗幾隻狗都無問題.

於是, 我就鎖定嗰類木框梳化, 而布的部份全部可移走的.

下面有兩款最後shortlist 出來, 你哋覺得邊款好啲?

1號佳麗-Day bed, 來自淘寶(北京), 連運費RMB 4000多啲, 但有啲驚實物唔知係咪一樣.另外, Tequila Kola 都有類似款式的sofa bed 賣.

2號佳麗, 印尼織皮loveseat , 比一號佳麗短10吋, 實物其實靚過相好多, 但要$9850, 買滿萬二蚊有九折.

2010年4月19日 星期一

家居佈置 - Sideboard 的煩惱


今日係關於sideboard 的.

睇中兩個sideboard , 點揀好?

呢個係大陸高檔貨, 兩米濶. 表面貼胡桃木皮, RMB4368, 未計運費, 運到落離仲要自己裝.

呢兩個係中環睇到, 兩個加埋$9000, 買滿萬二蚊有九折. 係印尼入口的實木(acacia), 包送貨, 兩個夾埋都係兩米濶.兩個size 其實係一樣的.

如果係你, 你點揀? 裝修擺設方面又夾唔夾到?

2010年4月15日 星期四


一般人新居入伙, 如果唔揾設計師都會好煩. 煩的原因係, 自己無咩idea, 唔知應該點整.  但係我就相反, 係太多ideas 唔知應該用邊樣.

因為預備買屋已經是年幾兩年前的事, 每次睇完樓已經諗應該點裝修.當然試過好多次係最後買唔成. 到去年9月買咗村屋樓花後, 就更加可以用實際的呎吋去設計新居了. 於是, 每次見到有心水的裝修, 傢俬的資料, 就會記低. 亦買下了很多香港, 內地及外國的設計書同雜誌. Now 100台的Home Heist 更是我的至愛!

經過一輪篩選後, 有幾種傢俬及風格係我好鐘意的:


老公又話驚太白, 加啲黑色邊又好似好啲咁喎! 例如:買枝三叉坐地燈, armchair 的木架揀啲有黑色線條的.

不過如果第時想幫cushion, curtain等等變身時, 例如轉為bold floral 或者Designers' Guild 的color scheme 時, 啲黑邊會唔會唔襯呢?

Designers' Guild 好rich 的 palette 好吸引:

仲有我一直都好鐘意的 relaxed glamour , shabby chic.  但老公話好窮家女feel, 同埋好似太feminine.

又見到Home Heist 入面人地用深紫色撞銀色同黑色, 好chanel, 好modern, 好 elegant

又迷上了線條簡單的console, 同埋好優雅的枱燈:


就連去旅行時都係睇傢俬, 係曼谷見到的Barbara Barry:

咁多樣嘢, 究竟點揀好???