2010年5月29日 星期六

Too Close To Home by Linwood Barclay

Having read "No Time For Goodbye", I have very high hopes for "Too Close to Home" by Linwood Barclay.  The start is catchy, like No Time for Goodbye.  But this is the only good thing about this book!  After that, it gets downhill right away.  A huge dissappointment!


2010年5月27日 星期四

打擂台 Gallants

我是一個不折不扣的OL.從來都不喜歡看武打片, (其實連港產片也很少看!)十一二歲開始已經只看novels, 沒有看過一本金庸小說, 更不用說功夫漫畫了.

晚上被拉了去看劉德華出品,林家棟監製, 郭子健, 鄭思傑導演的動作笑片 '打擂台'的優先場.

Casting 對我來說一點也不吸引, 泰迪羅賓、陳觀泰、梁小龍、邵音音等演員我其實只是隱約知道是誰, 也沒有看過他們的演出. 黃又南、賈曉晨也不見得對我有吸引力.唯一我有少少興趣看看的是rapper MC Jin的演出.

雖然如此, 整套片我也看得很開心. 故事有勵志性, 富有香港特式, 相信香港大部份七十後及八十後的男士應該會有同感.  雖然我不愛動作片, 但在看的時候卻很投入. 陳觀泰、梁小龍的功夫令我看得很入神, 泰迪羅賓的演出亦很生動, 十分驚喜  他們真的令我刮目相看呢! 或者只是我跟本就是有眼不識泰山吧!

影片十分著重師徒間感情的描述, 可能這就是其中一個適合女性看的元素吧! 但不至於攢 人熱淚.

 各位OL, 6月4日正式上影, 和你的另一半一起去看一看吧


2010年5月25日 星期二

Blood Stain by Peter Lalor

Not very well written and extremely horrific!  The contents are really disturbing but I had no other choice as this is one of the only two English books found in the hotel swimming pool magazine rack when we had a vacation in Phuket (the other is something like the 'Pride and Prejudice' type)  It's a true story about the only woman serving life sentence in Australia after having stabbed her bf more than 50 times with a butcher's knife and then skinning him and cooking a meal with his body parts for his children.   She's as powerful as a man and her ex-husband and bfs had all been severly assaulted by her. 

2010年5月22日 星期六



只不過搬屋在即, 今年的目標不是化妝品護膚品, 而是家居用品及家庭電器.

今次看上了Karcher 的 steam cleaner, 希望用於新居的地磚及地毯的清潔.

大減價限售15部, 約為正價的六折.

可惜我記錯了開售的日期, 結果錯失了好機會及白跑一場!

在這情況下, 唯有買一下其他的東西:

又是Sheridan, 每個counter 賣的特價貨也不一樣, 又給我找到這種素色加上立體條子的簡約設計, 這些是枕袋及咕臣套:

一佰元三件或兩件的Silicone utensils, 買滿二佰元還送一本書:

洗衣球兩個, 送Lady Shaver:


從經紀得知有些鄰居的單位已經收到滿意紙了, 就是幾個包括我們單位的還沒有出來.

今天特地去看一看情形, 大致上屋內都做好了(我估計發展商當是完成執漏了). 外圍的圍欄及園藝還沒做.



2010年5月20日 星期四


雖然已買了新的床褥, 但仍未送貨, 床架亦未買, 因為尚未收樓.

但買床品已上癮. 這是今日的收獲:

這是我的第一套Sheridan. 因為一直覺得它很貴.


今午經過永安, 看到它半價後只要仟多元, 便買下來.

簡單的米色配上數條紗質條子, 很優雅啊!

2010年5月15日 星期六


昨天放假, 特別到了中央圖書館看家居佈置的雜誌.


中央圖書館提供英,美, 澳洲版的多本雜誌, 如: Elle Deco, Living etc, Belle, Home Beautiful, Better Homes and Gardens... 但各分區圖書館就一本也沒有. 大會堂那間亦只提供一本Homes and Gardens .

於是我由四時一路看到九時半也不捨得走.  但五月號的都還未可以看完. 不過, 所有逾期雜誌, 無論過期多久也好, 都不可借走.  下次要看, 唯有再長途跋涉去天后看了!

同場加映, 是日收獲, Dior 的 玫瑰味蠟燭, 我老公只用手摸過盒子一下, 手上都留有一陣香味呢! (隔離的玻璃燭台加tealight 是酒店的, 很有情調!)

2010年5月14日 星期五

家居佈置 - My beloved candles

很喜歡閒時在家點著香薰蠟燭, relax 一下.

近期愛上Cinq Mondes 的蠟燭, 還買了同味的bath oil. 點著蠟燭浸浴, 再加上一本心愛的雜誌(我最愛Living etc 同 elle decor!) 可以一浸就浸上一個小時! 

不過現在租屋住, decor 唔係好靚, 總令到我提不起勁去享受生活, 而且廳已經放了reed diffuser, 所以比較少在客廳點蠟燭了.

以下是我一部份的collection.  期望可以早日入伙, 讓他們重見天日.

左手邊的香薰爐是在Boots 買的. 右手邊的是十年前上一間屋入伙時朋友送的.

2010年5月13日 星期四

My scent-Jo Malone

三年前第一次接觸Jo Malone 之後就迷上了. 雖然我已經有幾十枝香水, 但仍然係抵抗唔到Jo Malone 的魅力.

Jo Malone 吸引人之處係佢比到一個好完整的pacakge你.

它的counter裝修 永遠都是那麼簡單, 明亮而優雅, 無論你買什麼, 店員都會用米黃色的紙袋裝好, 再配以經典的黑色粗身絲帶. 滿足你的購物慾之餘, 同時照顧你的視覺需要. 就算返到屋企, 都唔捨得掉咗啲靚盒.  (不過儲吓儲吓, 太多都唔知點算. 儲起佢唔放出來又無意思, 放出來又會好多嘢, 掉咗佢又唔捨得) 當然最主要都係佢啲香味啦. 我最鐘意係 Orange Blossom, 其次係 White Jasmine & Mint, 兩隻味都好清新. 唔俗. 我都買過啲 masculine 啲的味比老公, 連佢都識得分係好嘢, 有次佢噴返自己噴開枝D&G, 都話真係好俗喎!

噴JoMalone的另一好處係唔會週圍都有人噴, 撞香水.  成日返工放工搭地鐵搭lift都會聞到隔離的香水, 然後我個腦就會叮一聲咁: '噢, 係D&G Light Blue','又係Ralph Lauren Romance','Gucci by Gucci真係popular喎', '嘩好多人鐘意Stella McCartney喎', '今日第三次聞到Marc Jacobs了!'......


 不過到而家為止, 我仲未買過home products, 它的products 太貴了, 感覺上噴上身無咁肉赤! Jo Malone 的大candle 係貴到會攞命的, 係英國都要賣到幾仟蚊架!

2010年5月12日 星期三

家居佈置 - 越南之旅戰利品


河內其實都幾落後, 個城市好似內地啲落後的地方咁, 我好鐘意買的化妝品同護膚品根本無得買. 但居然佢啲家品都幾得吓.  不過當然係basic 啲, raw 啲的款, 唔係太時尚, 或者好似泰國嗰啲好有創意的款. 但好處係超級平. 比啲心機一定執到筍野.  所以我已經plan 咗今年九月再走一轉. 希望到時我已經新屋入伙啦!

係河內Sofitel 房間內放咗下面的茶壺, 好鐘意啲紋, 但係圓形的 (我最鐘意方形, 唔多鐘意圓形的東西), 係酒店gift shop 都只係賣300幾蚊, 我原本都諗住買, 但比我老公制止.

結果比我係外面揾到呢個方形的 (我最鐘意方形, 唔鐘意圓形的東西), 連六隻杯同一個托盤, 都只係十五蚊美金!!! 之後仲係另一間鋪見到開價十二蚊美金! 

越南之旅仲去咗中部一個叫會安的古城, 呢個城好多燈籠賣. 我見好靚, 都唔理三七二十一,買咗幾個返離.  新屋的裝修都要就住離襯返.

Calvin Klein 毛巾被

早一個月係永安買咗兩張毛巾被, 返到屋企攤開離睇, 啲毛粒跌到一地同埋痴到我成身都係, 結果要拎返去退貨!

上兩個星期比我見到張Calvin Klein 的毛巾被, 隻啡色超級靚. 我之前買的beddings 可能都偏向 feminine, 呢張朱古力色就夠晒中性, 夠晒chic, 所以就即買.

返到屋企洗完之後都仲係好靚, 於是今日追加多一張 杏色!


2010年5月10日 星期一

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Kids on 25 Words

Attracted by the storyline about how a poor mother married to an alcoholic struggled to raise 10 children in 1950s by winning all sorts of contests, I bought this book.  The only thing is the poetry the brave mother wrote is too difficult for me.  I will love the book much more if my English is as good as my old boss's.

2010年5月3日 星期一

Complaint letter

One day I spotted this hilarious complaint letter written by a Continental Airlines passenger who took a flight to or from Houston about his seat #29E.  The document is dated 21 December 2004.  Have a look!  I guarantee you'll laugh your head off!



This is the transcript in case you cannot read the handwriting:


Dear Continental Airlines,

I am disgusted as I write this note to you about the miserable experience I am having sitting in seat 29E on one of your aircrafts. As you may know, this seat is situated directly across from the lavatory, so close that I can reach out my left am and touch the door.

All my senses are being tortured simultaneously. It's difficult to say what the worst part about sitting in 29E really is? Is it the stench of the sanitation fluid that's blown all over my body every 60 seconds when the door opens? Is it the wooosh of the constant flushing? Or is it the passengers asses that seem to fit into my personal space like a pornographic jig-saw puzzel?

I constructed a stink-shield by shoving one end of a blanket into the overhead compartment — while effective in blocking at least some of the smell, and offering a small bit of privacy, the ass-on-my-body factor has increased, as without my evil glare, passengers feel free to lean up against what they think is some kind of blanketed wall.

The next ass that touches my shoulder will be the last!

I am picturing a board room full of executives giving props to the young promising engineer that figured out how to squeeze an additional row of seats onto this plane by putting them next to the LAV. I would like to flush his head in the toilet that I am close enough to touch, and taste, from my seat.

Putting a seat here was a very bad idea. I just heard a man groan in there! This sucks!

Worse yet, is I've paid over $400.00 for the honor of sitting in this seat!

Does your company give refunds? I'd like to go back where I came from and start over.

Seat 29E could only be worse if it was located inside the bathroom.

I wonder if my clothing will retain the sanitizing odor . . . what about my hair! I feel like I'm bathing in a toilet bowl of blue liquid, and there is no man in a little boat to save me.

I am filled with a deep hatred for your plane designer and a general dis-ease that may last for hours.

We are finally decending, and soon I will be able to tear down the stink-shield, but the scars will remain.

I suggest that you initiate immediate removal of this seat from all of your crafts. Just remove it, and leave the smouldering brown hole empty, a good place for sturdy/nonabsorbing luggage maybe, but not human cargo.

2010年5月1日 星期六

家居佈置 - TREE


所以我成日連lunch都無食, 就四出睇傢俬同佈置用品.

Prince Building 的 Indigo, White Contemporary Homeware, The Pan Handler, 荷理活道的小店, GOD等等, 我都成日去, 有一次仲行到去上環街市嗰頭. 不過著高踭鞋嗰日就煩啲, 落斜好危險!!!


其實我一直都知中環有間TREE, 但要上到堅道下一條街, 好鬼遠, 而且每次上半山沿途都有好多障礙物(美麗的店)所以一直都無上到去伊利近街. 噚日見著對平底鞋, 就上一上去啦, 點知真係有收獲 

以下只是其中的一半, 我先係lunch 時拎咗一半返office, 另一半就放工後再去拎返屋企.  office 那4個仲未影相.


灰色的有30吋x30吋, 好少有咁大個cushion, 啡色織皮的有 15x 15吋, 啲皮好厚, 好有質感!


同場加映, 某日係永安買的Sheridan腰墊: