某天放工回家看到它盛開, 很興奮, 很有滿足感!
不過同一棵植物, 有些花只有這麼小, 形狀也不同, 奇怪!
一定是遺傳的. 老爸熱愛DIY, 我也跟隨他. 只不過範疇略有不同. 他著重實用, 我著重美觀. 不過, '諗' 和 '講' 我比較在行, 很多時也要他這個實力派幫忙, 才可將我的想法實現!
貪心的我, 因為不能下定主意, 家裏要採取什麼風格. 左想右想, 最後決定零裝修, 燈槽假天花入牆柜一概不要. 我要靈活多變, 這樣我便可將所有我認為是 '靚' 的東西, 輪流展示出來. 如此一來, 便不用等十年八載來一次大裝修時才可有新鮮感了!
這是客廳的2011 Spring/Summer look (雖然現在已步入winter!!!我會努力的):
The book was written by Diane Hammond,
the spokeswoman for the famous killer whale,
Keiko of Free Willy.
It is a story about the bond
between human and an elephant Hannah.
Realizing the problem of Hannah was
the lack of socialization with other elephants,
the newly recruited vet Neva ,
together with Samson,
embarked on a secret plan to raise money and
relocate Hannah to an elephant sanctuary
and the story had a happy ending.
I would say that this book does not belong to
the ‘not to be missed’ category for me.
But I do enjoy reading the very visual portrayal
of the love between Samson and Hannah.
Animal lovers are more likely to find this book interesting.