2012年2月1日 星期三

A good start to a fine day!

Having dragged myself through a couple of not-as-gripping/entertaining/inspiring-as-expected novels by Jeffery Archer, I finally find a book that can lighten up my morning - "YES MAN" by Danny Wallace.

It was described by Anneli Rufus of East Bay Express as "seizure-inducingly funny" and I can't agree more!
I have read up to p.10 only but couldn't hold my laughs on the bus this morning.

And then at breakfast, I read the column by 李純恩 about his happy encounter with some Indian lamas in Bhutan.  He wrote "佛寺也有外地和尚來參觀, 這天碰到一群印度喇嘛, 個個長相奇特, 拿着相機求我幫他們拍合影, 拍完了我說我也要替他們拍幾張, 欣然答應.  我讓他們幾個將大腦袋擠在一起, 照片拍得非常歡樂, 他們看了, 都興奮大叫起來."

Happiness can be as simple as that!  What a good start to a new day!

3 則留言:

  1. 祝龍年身體健康~生活愉快!!!
    [版主回覆02/02/2012 13:30:12]多謝! 我也祝你家成員身體健康, 小朋友繼續精靈活潑!

  2. 快樂有時就是這麼簡單!
    [版主回覆02/02/2012 13:29:04]同意! 同意!

  3. 只要矇豬健康快樂,你就快樂架喇!知足常樂 ^.^
